Friday, September 23, 2011

UK-based PLAY Magazine is the latest magazine to get their hands on Grand

  UK-based PLAY Magazine is the latest magazine to get their hands on Grand Theft Auto IV. They have an eight-page multiplayer preview in their latest issue. There are no new screenshots, but there are some interesting (mostly minor) new details:
Multiplayer can be accessed via your mobile phone during single-player. Select the 'Multiplayer' option and from there you can select game types and send invites for your friends to join you.
The host can control things like time of day, vehicle classes (specifically for GTA Race mode), weapon types, traffic, the location of the match, the weather type and choose whether the game will feature police or not.
As mentioned previously, you can customise your online character. You start off with basic modifications such as sunglasses, hats, tops, trousers and so on, but the more you play the game, the more options you unlock.
PLAY Magazine saw a random pedestrian spraying graffiti on a shop. Pedestrians now have purpose. There are more unique moments.
Each game mode can support differents numbers of players, with 16 being the maximum. Click here for a summary of the eight game modes which PLAY got to experience.
Be sure to pick up a copy if you see one, it's well worth the read. Thanks to DeeperRed for the info.
And in other news, be sure to check out our new Music page, which details all of the game's radio stations that we know about so far.

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