Saturday, May 23, 2020

Lifetime Welcomes Travel Adventure Series Hosted By Scott Eddy

Scott Eddy’s job with an investment banking firm had him flying on private planes and helicopters heading to destinations around the world. Now, he is focusing on a new occupation, as the host of what is said to be the first travel focused show on Lifetime.

As the host of “Video Globetrotter,” airing its first episode Friday, May 22, at 7:30 a.m. ET/PT, Eddy’s time on screen has him taking viewers through the Caribbean.

The initial show kicks off in Trinidad, focusing on the history and culture of Carnival plus ziplining and tasting their iconic street food, “doubles.” In Antigua, Eddy interviews Julie Reifer-Jones, the CEO of Liat Airlines, who outlined the history of the airline. Scott ends his trip in Grenada, seeing vistas, resorts and beaches.

Eddy credits his previous career experience in introducing him to “the luxury side of travel” in what has become his full-time profession as a social media professional and luxury brand ambassador. “It changed my whole [life], now I know how different cultures live in real life, not from TV,” Eddy said. “It has taught me to appreciate the little things because the flashy things disappear very quickly, the little things take you through life.”

For business or personal travel, life has taken Eddy to many places. While Florida is now his home, he has previously lived in Thailand, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Spain, Portland and the United Kingdom. He credits these experiences in introducing him to, and interacting with people from, all walks of life. “[I’ve] made friends on both sides of the fence,” he said. “It has really balanced my thinking.”

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