Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Retail Cost of Mobile Phones

  When you decide to start an online business and go into drop shipping, it is essential to find a profitable product and a good supplier. Drop shipping is an ideal way to achieve this because it relieves you of ever having to store your own products. Drop shipping mobile phones can be successful because almost everyone can benefit from owning one.

The retail cost of mobile phones depends on the brand of phone you wish to purchase or sell as well as the type of phone and what kind of services it offers. With a two-year contract, most Blackberrys can be purchased for under $100. Verizon Wireless offers its Motorola Droid mobile phone for $149.99 with a two-year contract while its prepaid mobile phone with no contract is only $39.99 to purchase.
The popular Apple iPhone is $149.99 with a new two-year contract as well. All mobile phones can also usually be purchased on Amazon, often at a slightly lower price point than in a retail store. Beware, however, that if you choose not to sign a standard two-year contract for a phone plan the retail value will increase significantly. Blackberrys, iPhones and other smart phones will sell between $300 and $500 without a plan.
Mobile phones are extremely popular and can be found in a variety of different retail stores. Best Buy is one of the largest retailers and usually sells several different brands. Mobile phones can also be purchased at their individual provider stores such as Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile and US Cellular.
Wholesale Drop Shipping Costs of Mobile Phones
It is often cheaper and more profitable to purchase mobile phones at a wholesale price instead of at the retail value. Buying wholesale will allow you to purchase mobile phones in larger quantities, which you can then sell to customers for the product's suggested retail value.
Almost all drop shipping companies are different and will have varying prices for their mobile phones, so be sure to find the best company suited to your needs. Although prices will vary greatly, there are some companies that offer touchscreen mobile phones for under $100.
Selling Mobile Phones Online
Selling mobile phones online can be a lucrative way to make a profit. However, it is best if you focus only on drop shipping mobile phones. To do so, build a website that only caters to drop shipping mobile phones. When you have such a targeted audience, it will allow you to cater to everyone's specific needs and will improve your customer service, which is essential to selling anything online.
Since your website should focus only on the drop shipping needs, be sure to give your customers as focused of a site as possible. Especially try to keep your prices fair. Be sure to offer a wide variety of mobile phone brands such as T-Mobile or US Cellular so that your customers have a variety of brands to choose from. Also be sure to detail what each brand has to offer and what their best features are.

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