Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Deuce recap: season two, episode three – 'It’s not racism, it’s economics'

CC opens up a carboot and takes out his pimp cane. He is at the airport, taking his first flight. "Will I need my coat in the plane?" he asks Lori, who is playfully teasing him about his naivety and lack of understanding about time zones. "We go back in time? I don't play that shit," he says after being told about the three-hour difference between his native New York and Los Angeles, the emerging hotbed of porn that the couple are due to visit for an adult awards show.

This exchange shows CC at his most vulnerable; ignorant and easily out of his comfort zone. But Lori is able to make him accept his weaknesses without lashing out at her, for now. Could that change once the pair get an audience on the west coast? We won't find out, as CC decides to opt out once Lori reminds him of the fact that some planes do actually crash. "Bring back that gold for us," he says, optimistically.

When Lori lands in LA, she finds herself in a plush hotel suite: it's like an Alex Prager photograph, with powder-blue hues and gilded furnishings. As she looks out on the Hollywood hills, the question lingers: why would she ever go back? She meets Candy and Harvey at the awards, and he delivers a zinger: "Fear of flying," he says about CC. "That's appropriate." On the east coast, Abby has begun organising a legalise prostitution campaign with former sex workers and the ACLU.

Back on the deuce, Paul and his partner are trying to convince Vincent to stump up $20,000 to bankroll their supper club. He is keen, but is not quite so into their idea of circumventing the mob and doing it on their own. "Rudy still gets his nut on the original bar," says Paul, who sounds about as naive as CC. "But this new one: it's ours." Vincent agrees, against his better judgment. Leon has a welcome home party at the cafe. Rodney turns up, drunk and disorderly, and looking as if he is well and truly on the slide.