Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Why Apple shouldn’t be selling a 16GB iPhone 6S or 6S Plus

With its latest 16GB iPhone 6S and 6S Plus Apple has answered the question of what it thinks really matters: profit or user experience?

The new iPhones are resplendent with new features, despite being the “tock” year in Apple’s “tick, tock” update cycle and looking exactly the same as last year’s iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.

But the 3D Touch screen, the better camera, the Taptic engine and the faster processors all hide one thing – the starting iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, costing £539 and £619 respectively, still only come with 16GB of storage.

The iPhone has come with 16GB of storage since 2010’s iPhone 4. Apple presumably wants to keep a lower price point to market its phones at, and to be able to upsell customers to the 64GB version - generating an extra £80 in revenue.

Almost all companies do precisely this, including Apple’s main handset rival Samsung. And you can argue that users have a choice – pay more to get more – but the vast majority don’t appreciate how small 16GB now is. They just want an iPhone and buy whatever they’re given by default, which is usually the cheapest.

The problem is that 16GB is not enough storage for today’s smartphones. After formatting and the OS being installed, this ends up providing around 12GB of storage space for the user.
Back in 2012 the average app size was 23MB. Retina screens have significantly increased that size because each app has to have much higher-resolution imagery, which take up more room. Apps are also more complex, do more and provide richer experiences – everything that’s good about a vibrant app ecosystem - but they’re also taking up more space in the process.

Apple increased the largest app size to 4GB this year, meaning a single app can take up a quarter of the space on the normal iPhone. Not every app is massive, of course. Facebook weighs in at 95.2MB, Twitter 62.7MB, Snapchat 52.9MB and the Guardian’s app is 24.7MB.

That’s the size of the unopened installed app, but the moment it starts doing something – caching the images and data it needs to operate – the app sizes start to balloon.

The Twitter app, for instance, can easily hit more than 240MB, for a regular Twitter user. The Facebook app can grow easily to that size too, while many others including Apple’s own Messages app can start to put on data weight if users start sending photos.

Delete those photos

Speaking of photos, the iPhone 5S and 6 shoot 8MP photos that are just over 3MB in size each, which makes the average holiday, and the 200 or so photos that accompany it, a 600MB chunk of the storage.

The iPhone 6S now has a 12MP camera, which means larger photos that will take up more storage, and Apple’s new Live Photos will consume yet more space with their added video and audio. You can forget about shooting 4K video, which consumes around 300MB per minute. That 16GB of storage could easily be filled with just photos, let alone everything else.

There are ways to offload those photos onto cloud storage, of course, but most users do not do that by default and are simply forced to delete some.

What about music? Most people use their smartphone to listen to some sort of music, and while streaming is labelled as the answer, our 3G and 4G networks are not everywhere and cannot always be relied upon to sate our thirst for music.

An average album of 12 tracks stored on an iPhone from Apple’s own iTunes music store or Apple Music takes up around 90MB of storage. A 200-track playlist, therefore, takes up around 1.5GB of storage or around 12% of a 16GB iPhone.

That’s without talking about other media such as the movies and TV shows on offer from Apple’s various stores; we’ll gloss over those that weigh in at around 1GB per movie.

Gaming cost

The biggest offenders, of course, are games. Even a small game such as Apple’s current favourite Crossy Road, weighs in at 74.7MB of space before being opened. Angry Birds 2 takes up 91.6MB, Candy Crush Saga 55MB and the critically acclaimed Monument Valley demands 275MB without the Forgotten Shores expansion pack.

Those are all small compared to graphically rich games such as Real Racing 3, which claims at least 855MB of your storage. Even a card game such as Blizzard’s popular Hearthstone demands a minimum of 868MB of storage. An avid player of Hearthstone, for instance, with all the latest content will need at least 1.3GB of space on their smartphone.

The average user had 27 apps on their iPhone at the end of 2013 according to data from Nielsen, which means with apps growing in size and photos, music and videos becoming more compelling that 12GB of space seemed small last year, let alone today.

Running out of storage makes the smartphone behave poorly and provides a very unsatisfactory user experience. Users are forced to delete precious memories, tracks they might want to listen to or apps and games that they can no longer afford to keep on your phone, and that might just be to install an update.

Given that Apple does not allow users to add storage with removable cards, if it cared about the user experience of the vast majority of its users it should have increased the storage capacity of the starting iPhone.

Analyst firm IHS estimated that storage cost Apple $0.42 per GB of storage. Adding an extra 16GB of storage to bring it to 32GB would have cost Apple just $6.72 extra per smartphone, something it could have easily eaten within its profit margins – the biggest in the industry by miles.

The iPhone 6S and 6S Plus are premium smartphones, which Apple claims are the “most advanced smartphones in the world”. Yet the rest of the industry, including arch-rival Samsung, has woken up to the fact that 16GB is not enough storage these days and either allows users to add their own storage to top-end smartphones or provides at least 32GB of rated space for their base models.

In 2015, anyone who buys a 16GB smartphone risks quickly running out of space or being forced to pick and choose what apps they use. That’s a problem for the user, but it’s a problem for Apple too - its iPhone 6S innovations won’t be seen as as good as it thinks they are if users quickly run out of space to store their 4K videos